MUSIQUEFROIDE SAS is an independent music label based in France (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’),
currently registered with the RCS of Thionville.
The Company is located at 32 rue de l'Abbaye, 57175 Gandrange, France.
The MUSIQUEFROIDE graphics department (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Graphics Division’),
founded on 31st October 2023, is registered with the RCS of Thionville under SIRET number 837 783 422 00012.
The Graphics Division is located at the same postal address.
The Company represents the works of Lavtchani, Lucas Giorgini and sad_pleasures (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Authors’).
The Website of the Company is accessible at the following address: (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Website’).
Access to and use of the Website are subject to the present Legal Notices detailed below as well as to the applicable laws.
The Website is hosted by the company Wix, located at 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland.
All elements of the Website are the exclusive intellectual property of the Company and its Authors.
No one is authorised to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially,
any elements of the Website whether software, visual or audio, without the prior consent of the Company.
Any use, reproduction, distribution, marketing or modification of all or part of the Website without the prior agreement of
the Company and its Authors is prohibited and may result in legal action and proceedings, in particular those provided for
by the Intellectual Property Code and the Civil Code.
The Website uses cookies to improve the user experience.
By browsing the Website, you accept the use of these cookies.
The Company cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from the use of the Website or the inability to access it.
The general contact e-mail is available to users at
The Graphics Division can be contacted at
The Website reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content posted in this space that would violate applicable law in France,
particularly data protection provisions.
If necessary, the Website also reserves the right to hold the user civilly and/or criminally liable, especially in the case of messages
that are racist, offensive, defamatory or pornographic, regardless of the medium used (text, photograph, etc.).
Any dispute relating to the use of the Website will be subject to French law.
In the case of a dispute, the competent courts will be those within the jurisdiction of the registered office of the Company.